Saturday, November 5, 2011

Curiously Ginger

So I can be a curious cat sometimes.  Here are a few of my burning questions for the universe.  Please let me know if you have the answers!

1.  Why do hunters wear camoflauge to blend in while simultaneously wearing the bright orange vests to stand out?! Does anyone else think this is the world's most enormous contradiction?  Please explain this to me!

2. How does the cafe on campus get their hazlenut milk steamers to taste exactly like a warm fuzzy hug?

3.  Why does the new Luvs diaper "poop there it is" commercial have to be so disturbing?  To feel gross, feel free to click here.

6.  Is the creator of Pinterest raking in the big bucks yet?  Should Mark Zuckerberg watch his back?

7. Is it a law of physics that I always have to sneeze the instant after I finish applying my mascara?

8.  How is that I spend all day suctioning snot out of patient's lungs, yet I consider the grossest part of my day to be doing the dishes?

9.  Do blondes, brunettes, or redheads have more fun?  Hannah created a monster guys.  I've really left my safety net this time and become a ginger!! 

So I am in a little bit of an identity crisis right now, but it's ok.  Change is always refreshing, and hey now I can make all the dumb blonde jokes I want! Ha!
-Nattie Dawn


  1. Natalie, yes I blogstock you. you crack me up! I totally agree with the camoflauge and orange thing haha. And I love the ginger!! I think you may have inspired me...

  2. Dear Natalie, I like the new hair do. But you're beautiful no matter what color your hair do is.
    Love you. We will miss you at thanksgiving.
    Love and hugs.
